Graze set to commercialise

Airports, Golf Courses, Solar Fields, and Manufacturing Partnerships: Graze's Revolution in Automation


Airports and various industries have witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, largely driven by the integration of automation and cutting-edge technology. This update from Brookfund delves into the evolving landscape, focusing on Graze's contributions in the realms of airports, golf courses, solar fields, and its exciting manufacturing partnership.

The Imperative of Efficient Airfield Management

In the aviation sector, the demand for efficiency and safety has propelled airports to explore automation solutions extensively. Graze is stating to play a pivotal role in this transformation, with successful pilot programs at prominent airports such as DFW Airport, Alliance Airport, and Cincinnati-Kentucky Airport. These pilots have demonstrated the robustness of Graze's technology and its alignment with the unique use cases of airport operations.

Revolutionising Golf Courses

Golf courses have also been touched by Graze's commitment to excellence and innovation. The successful pilot at the PGA in the DFW market stands as a testament to Graze's dedication to improving the golfing experience through automation.

Solar Fields: Powering a Sustainable Future

Graze's forthcoming collaboration with one of the top 10 largest solar companies in the United States underscores its strategic expansion into renewable energy. The partnership serves as a shining example of Graze's commitment to sustainable technology solutions.

Strategic Manufacturing Partnership

In the pursuit of excellence and expansion, Graze has made significant strides in selecting a long-term strategic manufacturing partner. The official announcement of this partnership is anticipated in January 2024, setting the stage for the production units to commence operations in Q2 of the same year. This partnership marks a crucial milestone in Graze's journey towards delivering advanced automation solutions to a broader audience.

Brookfund's Investment in Graze

Automation has evolved from being a luxury to a necessity across various industries, including airports, golf courses, solar fields, and manufacturing partnerships. Graze's innovative technologies have played a pivotal role in reshaping these domains. As we continue to embrace a more automated and interconnected world, Graze is at the forefront of this transformative journey, emphasising excellence, innovation, sustainability, and strategic expansion.

As an early stage investor in Graze and minority stakeholder, we remain steadfast to support Graze in its plan beyond financial growth. Its electric autonomous lawnmowers will make airfields safer, golf courses more efficient, and contribute to sustainable practices in solar fields.

For further information about Graze, please contact Richard Phillips.


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